MCU: The 10 Biggest Secrets The Characters Kept | ScreenRant

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has created a world of very different comic book movies. These films range from action flicks to heist movies to sci-fi adventures to fantasy epics and more. However, what they all have in common is that they all feature characters that viewers grow to love and follow, through the good and the bad.

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These characters all have flaws - some of them fatal - and this includes the tendency to keep secrets from others. The superheroes and antiheroes in the MCU are full of secrets, some dark, and some used to protect those they love. When they hide these secrets from their fellow heroes, things get interesting.

10 Loki - Removed Odin From Asgard

No one can trust Loki in the MCU. He has proven repeatedly that he is a liar and a cheat and will do anything to get ahead. He faked his own death in Thor: The Dark World, which made even the God of Thunder shed a tear. However, Loki's greatest sin came with what he did while dead. He cast a spell on Odin and locked the Asgardian ruler in a retirement home, taking over the rule of Asgard for himself. By the time Thor got Loki to admit to his secrets, it was too late, and Odin died after saying goodbye to his sons.

9 Black Panther - Hid Winter Soldier

In Captain America: Civil War, the superhero community took sides and went to war against each other. Both Iron Man and Black Panther took the same side, as they believed Winter Soldier killed Panther's dad. However, it was a setup by Baron Zemo. While Iron Man still tried to kill Bucky for his own parents' murders, Black Panther took pity on the man and hid him in Wakanda, hoping to save him rather than condemn him, and he hid the secret from everyone but Captain America.

8 Talos - Impersonated Nick Fury

Nick Fury has lied to almost everyone all the time about everything. He is the perfect super spy because of his ability to withhold important information from even those who trust him. Nick Fury isn't even on Earth right now, as he is living aboard a spacecraft in space with the Skrulls. Meanwhile, Talos, who debuted in Captain Marvel, is portraying Fury on Earth. There is no telling how long this secret ruse has been underway, or how many people on Earth might be Skrulls.

7 Hawkeye - Hid His Family

Hawkeye shocked the entire MCU in Avengers: Age of Ultron. In that movie, Ultron turned evil and attacked his creator, Tony Stark, before saying that he would destroy all humans to save the planet. After the Avengers lost a battle thanks to Wanda and Quicksilver, they went into hiding.

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When they went into hiding, they ended up at a place only a select few people knew about. Hawkeye had a secret family, living off the grid for their own safety while he worked for S.H.I.E.L.D.

6 Nick Fury - Faked His Own Death

Captain America: Winter Soldier was the MCU’s best espionage movie, and it contained lies and secrets from anyone and everyone. However, the movie didn’t reveal the biggest lie until later. In the film, Winter Soldier targeted Nick Fury and filled his SUV full of holes. When Winter Soldier moved in for the kill, Fury disappeared. Black Widow and Captain America ended up at a secret medical facility and watched as Fury died. However, Fury returned in Avengers: Age of Ultron, having faked his death and kept it a secret from the Avengers.

5 Black Panther - Kept Wakanda A Secret

T'Challa inherited a secret from his father that he felt he had to keep from the world. This secret was that Wakanda was a technically advanced country that had advanced science that the rest of the world could only envy. Instead, Black Panther had to keep this a secret and tell the world they were a poor third-world country to protect their resources from other countries. After bringing an American intelligence agent into Wakanda, Black Panther finally decided it was time to reveal his secret to the world.

4 Odin - Kept Hela A Secret

Often, secrets end up coming back to hurt the people who never knew the truth. For their entire lives, Odin lied to his sons, Thor and Loki. For example, he lied to Loki about his parentage, which came back to bite them in Thor: The Dark World. However, the bigger lie came about in Thor: Ragnarok.

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Thor and Loki have a sister known as Hela, the Goddess of Death. Odin banished her, but not before she destroyed the mighty Valkyrie army. When Odin died, Hela came back, and since Thor nor Loki knew anything about her, she easily conquered and helped destroy Asgard.

3 Black Widow And Hawkeye - Hid Their Pasts

Much like Hawkeye, Black Widow had many secrets, thanks to her career as a spy for S.H.I.E.L.D. She admitted to Bruce Banner that she had a dark past and that she came from the Red Room. She told Loki that Hawkeye came to kill her and made a different decision, helping her defect. However, both Black Widow and Hawkeye hinted at other things when they talked, like battles and missions that they wouldn't tell anyone about, and additional secrets that these two warriors kept from the world.

2 Nick Fury - Faked Coulson's Death

The biggest lie that Nick Fury told the Avengers came when they fell in battle with Loki aboard the Helicarrier. Loki enchanted Hulk and forced the Avengers to battle him while Loki attempted his escape. Agent Coulson was there to stop him, but Loki stabbed him and seemingly killed the popular S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. Fury then used Coulson's death to get the Avengers to work together to stop Loki. However, Fury had Coulson undergo a procedure that brought him back to life and kept it a secret to ensure the Avengers had the desire to win.

1 S.H.I.E.L.D. - Taken Over By Hydra

Captain America: The Winter Soldier brought back Cap’s best friend as an assassin, but that wasn’t even the biggest shock. It turned out that several people had kept a secret for decades and then took this moment to take over the United States government. Nick Fury’s boss, several of Captain America’s allies in S.H.I.E.L.D., and even congressional representatives in the U.S. Government were all sleeper agents who rose as Hydra attempted a hostile takeover.

NEXT: 5 Avenger Villains Who Deserve Redemption (& 5 That Are A Lost Cause)

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