Invincible: 10 Best Villains, Ranked | ScreenRant

The Amazon series Invincible is yet another wildly entertaining take on the superhero genre. While the relationships and world-building are what makes the show so special, the series has quickly established an awesome rogue's gallery of villains for Invincible and the other heroes to face off with.

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The series has a lot of fun playing around with the different types of bad guys fans would expect to normally see in a superhero story. From the evil geniuses to the crime bosses to the intergalactic threats, these colorful baddies help make Invincible even more memorable.

10 Doc Seismic

Doc Seismic fills the quota of the show's mad scientist-type villain quite nicely. He is a doctor of seismology who built a pair of earthquake gloves which he uses to wreak havoc, like destroying Mount Rushmore.

It is theorized that those gloves give him a concussion every time he uses them, which could explain why he is constantly off-kilter. It is said that even he doesn't know what he wants from all this destruction, which makes him even more dangerous.

9 Isotope

Isotope is a villain who falls into the henchman category of villains. However, he proves himself to be quite powerful for a henchman as well as being cleverer than the average lackey.

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He is introduced as Machine Head's right-hand man and seems perfectly fine with that role despite his power level. When Invincible and Titan attack Machine Head, Isotope teleports a group of villains to battle them. But when the fight turns against them, Isotope flees and is later seen working for Titan, showing that he is smart enough to choose a winning side.

8 Flaxan

It seems like alien invasions are just a regular occurrence in the world of Invincible, and the Flaxans represent the most reoccurring threat. They are a race of aliens who come to Earth in the hopes of conquering it.

Their society is so much more advanced than Earth's that they are able to make centuries' worth of innovations in a matter of days. For example, during one of their violent invasions, they discover that they age too quickly on the planet and need to retreat. But they return days later having invented a new device that prevents that aging.

7 Machine Head

Even though superheroes end up battling forces that threaten to destroy the entire universe, they also face off against baddies that are just regular crime bosses. These bosses can be a lot of fun, like Daredevil's iconic Kingpin. Machine Head represents just such a villain for Invincible.

Despite the silly name, Machine Head is a pretty formidable enemy. It's easy to assume that Invincible could easily take him out, but thanks to a new upgrade, Machine Head is able to see numerous possibilities to every situation and plans for his attack.

6 DA Sinclair

Though Invincible is very violent and gory, DA Sinclair represents perhaps the darkest villain in the series, he almost feels too dark for the show itself. He is a brilliant yet overly arrogant student at university who begins abducting classmates.

He then transforms them into terrifying cyborgs with superstrength that can go toe-to-toe with Invincible. In his own warped mind, he believes he is fixing humanity's flaws, but he is really turning them into mindless monsters.

5 Sequids

Yet another terrifying race of aliens on the show is the Sequids. These gross-looking creatures are first introduced when Invincible goes to Mars to look after a group of astronauts on a space exploration mission.

When they meet the Martians, they are told the Sequids are a world-destroying race that needs only one viable host to form a hive mind that is capable of conquering any planet. At the end of the episode, it is revealed they took one of the astronauts as a host, meaning trouble for Mars and, eventually, Earth.

4 Titan

Titan was actually introduced as a minor villain in one of the earlier episodes of the series before his character was expanded on in some very interesting ways. Titan is a hired muscle for Machine Head who can cover his skin in a layer of hard rock.

Titan is a loving family man who only works for Machine Head to pay off a debt. However, after asking for Invincible's help to defeat Machine Head, he proves that he is a smarter character than he looks, as his plan was really to take Machine Head's position as the city's crime boss.

3 Mauler Twins

The Mauler Twins are the first villains introduced in the series and become very pivotal characters. They are massive blue monsters who have incredible strength and react to machine-gun fire like it tickles.

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While they may be brutish and super strong, the Mauler Twins are extra threatening because they are also geniuses. In fact, the original Mauler cloned himself to help with his evil deeds, leading to a hilarious ongoing argument about who the real clone is.

2 Battle Beast

Battle Beast is introduced simply as a heavy working for Machine Head, but he quickly becomes one of the most interesting and powerful villains in the series.

Apart from looking awesome as a white lion creature with a Warhammer, Battle Beast has an interesting motivation. He is not interested in money or conquering planets like most of the other antagonists on the show. Battle Beast just travels the universe looking for a worthy fight. Even when taking on the Justice League-style Guardians of the Globe, Battle Beast deems the fight beneath him.

1 Omni Man

In the first moments of the first episode, it would seem like Omni Man is the hero of the story. He is the most powerful superhero on the planet, giving off strong Superman vibes. But by the end of the first episode, he proves himself the most dangerous bad guy.

Omni Man was not sent to Earth as a savior but rather as someone who is going to take it over. Not only does he kill the original Guardians of the Globe in order to make the planet more vulnerable, but he is also almost willing to kill his own son.

NEXT: The Most Likable Characters From Invincible, Ranked

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