Spider-Man: Each Main Character's Happiest (& Saddest) Scene

Marvel Studios helped reboot the Spider-Man universe with Spider-Man: Homecoming and reinvented the character’s world. Peter Parker had a new best friend named Ned Leeds, MJ replaced Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy as the main female lead, Aunt May was de-aged, and both Iron Man and Happy Hogan played a significant role.

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Throughout his time in the MCU, Spider-Man and his main supporting cast have experienced joyful, happy moments, but they've also endured tragedies and sad moments as well. In most cases, these happy and sad moments defined the characters and helped them develop into true heroes.

10 Happiest - Spider-Man: Iron Man Mentors Him

Spider-Man has gone through many high and low moments throughout his existence in the movies, but his happiest times have been with Iron Man. Peter was always a loner who didn't fit in, but Iron Man gave him a chance to do something great. After helping Iron Man in Captain America: Civil War, Tony gifted him with a new suit and became the mentor that Spider-Man needed to ascend to the next level of his career.

9 Saddest - Spider-Man: Iron Man's Death

Iron Man was the most important person in Spider-Man’s life - the one superhero who believed in him the most. As a result, Spider-Man showed up whenever Iron Man needed him, even if Tony didn’t want him there, including the mission to space in Avengers: Infinity War. When the two worked together to fight Thanos, Spider-Man ended up dusted. However, he returned and rejoined the fight in Endgame, only to watch Iron Man sacrifice himself to save the world. In Spider-Man: No Way Home, he still struggled to deal with his mentor’s death.

8 Happiest - Ned Leeds: Becomes Spider-Man's Man In The Chair

In the MCU Spider-Man movies, Ned Leeds served as Spider-Man's best friend. The two shared a lot, but not the fact that Peter was Spider-Man. However, Ned was at Peter's home when he showed up in costume one night and finally learned the truth. That is also when Ned found his calling. He became Spider-Man's "man in the chair," a term that describes a superhero's close ally who works behind the scenes to help gather information Spider-Man needs to win his battles. Ned was never happier in life.

7 Saddest - Ned Leeds: Sharing Spider-Man

While Ned Leeds took his role as Spider-Man’s "Man in the Chair" with great pride, he also relished the fact he was the only person Peter trusted with his secret. That changed in Spider-Man: No Way Home. Happy Hogan took on a bigger role and Aunt May learned her nephew’s identity.

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However, the dagger that seemed to cause Ned the most sadness was when he walked in and saw that MJ now knew Peter was Spider-Man, and she would help as well. Ned saw what made him feel special grow deluded, and the look of sadness on his face told the story.

6 Happiest - MJ: Figuring Out Spider-Man's Identity

Despite serving as the main female lead in the two Spider-Man MCU movies, audiences know almost nothing about MJ. Viewers are unaware of MJ’s past, and only her quirky behavior and sarcastic attitude define her. There has been nothing in the movies that has shaken her and made her sad, although she showed fear in Spider-Man: No Way Home. However, her happiest moment occurred when she was talking to Peter in London and learned he was Spider-Man, proving her suspicions correct.

5 Saddest - Miles Morales: Uncle Aaron's Death

While not technically part of the MCU - because Sony owns all the rights to the animated Spider-Man world - Miles Morales staked his claim as Spider-Man in the movie, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. In this movie, Miles suffered a loss similar to Peter losing his Uncle Ben when his Uncle Aaron, also known as the villain, The Prowler, took a bullet while trying to protect Miles’ identity. Aaron dying in Miles’ arms was heartbreaking and his saddest moment by far.

4 Happiest - Aunt May: Honoring Spider-Man

Much like MJ, the MCU Spider-Man movies also do almost nothing to further the character of Aunt May Parker. In the previous movies in the franchise, May had several chances to show sadness with the death of Ben and happiness with the success of Peter.

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In the MCU, May Parker has been nothing more than a lesser supporting character, but her happiness was on display in Spider-Man: No Way Home. Not only was she dating Happy Hogan, but she showed great pride in introducing Spider-Man to help with her charity causes.

3 Saddest - Iron Man: Disappointment In Peter

Iron Man rarely showed his happiness, although he came close when he almost introduced Spider-Man as the newest member of the Avengers. Instead, in Spider-Man's movies, Tony often showed displeasure and regret at the immature attitude of Peter. In Spider-Man: Homecoming, Iron Man delivered some tough love in one of Spider-Man's saddest scenes, taking away the super tech suit and demoting him back to street-level action. It was a hard lesson for Peter, but a necessary one.

2 Happiest - Happy Hogan: Dating Aunt May

Happy Hogan first appeared as Iron Man's flustered head of security in the Iron Man movies and then became a strong supporting character in the Spider-Man releases. In Spider-Man: Homecoming, Hogan felt babysitting Spider-Man was not worth his time and wasn't much help at all. The two bonded at the end, and then Hogan had his happiness on full display when he started dating May Parker, something that gave him joy outside of his constant work while making Spider-Man feel very awkward.

1 Saddest - Happy Hogan: Iron Man's Death

Happy Hogan also played an important role in Spider-Man: Far From Home. Hogan was not only Iron Man’s head of security, but he was also one of Tony Stark’s closest friends. While Spider-Man mourned Iron Man’s death and did not know how to go on without him, Hogan was there to show Peter wasn’t the only person affected. Hogan talked to Spider-Man on the plane about what he meant to Tony and how Iron Man handpicked Spider-Man to be his successor. It was touching, and Hogan’s sadness concerning his friend’s death helped show Spider-Man he wasn’t alone.

NEXT: 5 Spider-Man Villains Who Deserve Redemption (& 5 That Are A Lost Cause)

source https://screenrant.com/spider-man-main-characters-happiest-saddest-scene/
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