There are more than 60 biomes in Minecraft, and more are consistently being added thanks to updates from Mojang Studios. With that in mind, it can be difficult to figure out where to build a base. The sky is a great option that many players don't consider, though, in part because it's so difficult for most mobs to get to. Here are some great design ideas to help inspire sky builds in Minecraft.
The sky will soon be more expansive than ever thanks to the upcoming release of Minecraft's Caves & Cliffs Part 2 update during the 2021 holiday season, which will increase the world height limit from around 250 blocks to upwards of 300. That means that bases can be taller than ever. It also potentially paves the way for future sky-themed Minecraft updates to come out later on down the line.
Caves & Cliffs Part 2 will also change how monster spawning works, at least according to Minecraft's experimental 1.18 snapshot that's currently available to download. In previous editions of Minecraft, monsters would spawn in dimly lit areas. As of 1.18, however, they only spawn in complete darkness. This makes it much easier to safely light up a sky base to better defend players. Even more expansive builds, such as floating fortresses and cloud cities, can be much more effectively protected.

Although not all players may be looking to create a temple as large as the one made here by Wellandel on Reddit, it's a great point of inspiration for anyone looking to create a more mythical-looking sky build. Large structures such as this are perfect for more effectively taking advantage of Minecraft 1.18's upcoming spawn changes, as well.

Players looking to create a replica of Howl's Moving Castle could turn away from the temple idea and instead build a castle. Floating islands are still a great platform to use in this case, and waterfalls can provide easy access up and down as seen in this Minecraft castle build by Sven P on YouTube.

Those still looking to go one step further can create an entire city rather than just a base in the sky. Players could even use white blocks such as quartz to give off the illusion of a village sitting atop a cloud. RedDragonic on Reddit provides a great visual example of this. Additionally, this idea is especially helpful given how important villages are in Minecraft. Trading with villagers provides one of the only opportunities to find a use for one of Minecraft's least useful ores, emeralds.
Source: Wellandel, Sven P, RedDragonic
source https://screenrant.com/minecraft-design-ideas-floating-sky-fortress-cloud-city/