Minecraft Player Discovers World's Smallest Mushroom Biome

Minecraft fan has managed to discover the smallest mushroom biome. Following the latest Minecraft Caves & Cliffs Part 2 update, the long-running sandbox game's world generation rules changed. These changes appear to have resulted in a uniquely small biome.

In Caves & Cliffs Part 2Minecraft got a massive update to how its worlds generate. Caves were massively updated, with the new Dripstone Cave and Lush Cave biomes being added. The dimensions in which a world could generate were also greatly expanded, allowing a player's world to stretch to new heights (and depths) compared to the previous version of Minecraft. The Snowy Mountain, Snowy Slopes, and Frozen Peak biome also added new treacherous paths that players could encounter, with goats and patches of snow that players could fall through and eventually freeze to death. There were also changes and additions to biomes like the Meadows and Grove, which were not necessarily a part of the update that the name would suggest. One biome that was definitely not touched in the Caves & Cliffs Part 2 update was the Mushroom Forest biome. Yet it was this biome that was the subject of a new oddity discovered recently.

Related: Minecraft Caves And Cliffs: New Best Level For Strip Mining

Redditor Calamithros shared their discovery of a one-block mushroom island in their survival world, which registered as a completely separate biome from the surrounding ocean. The block, which is registered as a Mushroom Fields biome, encapsulates the smallest-possible biome in Minecraft. It's unclear whether this is a glitch or feature of a new world-generation rules brought on by Caves & Cliffs Part 2.

The fact that Minecraft players are still managing to discover small details and quirks within the game over a decade after its release shows the depth and care Mojang has put into its creation. Of course, part of Minecraft's incredible staying power is owed to the constant updates that Mojang puts out. Players are constantly showing off new creatures they've discovered, new ways to build, new traps and farms that can be made, and other discoveries, big and small. This one-block Mushroom Fields biome might be a small discovery, but it does go to show how Minecraft's world generation can produce unconventional biomes.

While fans are already awaiting Minecraft's next update, titled The Wild Update, there is still clearly much to be explored in the Caves & Cliffs update. From the brand new biomes to new Redstone contraptions, every day Minecraft players seem to find something new and unique. Unfortunately, it all can't quite fit onto the smallest Mushroom Fields biome.

Next: Minecraft: Best Challenges To Make Survival Mode More Fun

Minecraft is available on PC, Android, iOS, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch.

Source: Calamithros/Reddit

source https://screenrant.com/minecraft-smallest-mushroom-biome-caves-cliffs-update/
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