Battlefield 2042 was marketed to players as bringing an unprecedented scale to the FPS series, but there's an opportunity for the game to bring some variety by introducing maps that focus on infantry combat in closer quarters. Large sandboxes and vehicle combat are staples of the Battlefield series, but many previous titles have included maps that the opposite approach and confine players to a smaller area. 2042 has been receiving updates for many bug fixes, but its live service model will eventually introduce new content, and there's an opportunity for a reintroduction of CQB maps.
The Battlefield series is nearly synonymous with vehicle combat, and the variety it brings is an important component of its sandbox gameplay. Nevertheless, previous entries have included maps that focus heavily on combat, particularly in other near-future entries like 3 and 4. Operation Metro and Operation Locker are two maps that abandon vehicles entirely and put players in a so-called meat grinder. 3's Grand Bazaar and 4's Flood Zone are good examples of CQB maps that congest players into fighting building-to-building but still allow for some vehicle involvement.
So far, Battlefield 2042 has delivered on its promise of a new scale in its 128 player lobbies on current-gen consoles and PC. At times though, Battlefield 2042 might be too big, especially in Conquest where traveling the great distances between objectives can become a chore. This can be mitigated with deft use of the vehicle call-in system, but it's not always an option. Introducing some smaller maps, even ones that are significantly condensed compared to the seven launch maps, would be a great way to introduce variety into the game. It may, however, be a difficult task to design such maps, due to the sheer number of players that now need to be accommodated on current-gen and PC.

It seems like an extremely common request is a multiplayer FPS map that takes place on multiple floors of a tower. In theory, this seems like a fun idea, but especially with Battlfield 2042's large lobbies, a single building might not be enough space, even though close quarters is the goal. Skyscrapers have already become a problem anyway, making some objectives in 2042 near impossible to capture. Even a building with an incredibly large footprint would need to be very carefully designed - with many staircases, exterior areas like terraces and courtyards, other means of moving between levels like collapsed floors, etc. - to avoid any sort of game devolving into directionless mayhem. This does broach the idea of the required verticality for CQB maps in 2042, but might require more than one building with plenty of traversal methods between them available.
The best bet for Battlefield 2042 introducing CQB maps might end up encompassing an area like a city block or two. Streets and allies could let tanks and transport vehicles operate outside, while a whole block has enough area for many different buildings to be involved. A large group of buildings might be able to harness the concentrated chaos of 2042's Conquest game mode, while potentially having enough square footage to support Breakthrough as well. Breakthrough would most likely result in another meat grinder, but Operation Metro and Operation Locker were both very popular maps in their respective games. Map design has so far been a common critique for Battlefield 2042, but introducing some close quarters maps like in previous games might bring a new welcome dynamic to the 128-player gameplay.
source https://screenrant.com/battlefield-2042-close-quarters-maps-cpq-operations-breakthrough/